18 sept. 2023

Shroomwell avas 25. augustil piirkonna suurima meditsiiniseente kasvatuse Tõrvas.

Shroomwell opened one of the largest Medicinal mushroom farms in Tõrva, Estonia on 25th of August

#Shroomwell #Medicinalmushrooms #gobig

Shroomwell Innovation keskendub seenetehnoloogiale, mis parandab ökosüsteeme ja teeb maailma paremaks. Teeme uuringuid metsanduses, mükooremediatsioonis, tervises ja toitumises. Meie keskus Tallinnas sisaldab seenekasvatust ja laborit. Tõrvas opereerime tööstuslikku seenekasvatust. Kokku uurime ja kasvatame seeni rohkem kui 500 hektaril metsades Eestis, Rootsis ja USA-s.

Meie moto on: "Iga probleemi jaoks on olemas seen."

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Shroomwell opened one of the largest Medicinal mushroom farms in Tõrva, Estonia on 25th of August
Shroomwell opened one of the largest Medicinal mushroom farms in Tõrva, Estonia on 25th of August
Shroomwell opened one of the largest Medicinal mushroom farms in Tõrva, Estonia on 25th of August
Shroomwell opened one of the largest Medicinal mushroom farms in Tõrva, Estonia on 25th of August
Shroomwell opened one of the largest Medicinal mushroom farms in Tõrva, Estonia on 25th of August
Shroomwell opened one of the largest Medicinal mushroom farms in Tõrva, Estonia on 25th of August
Shroomwell opened one of the largest Medicinal mushroom farms in Tõrva, Estonia on 25th of August
Shroomwell opened one of the largest Medicinal mushroom farms in Tõrva, Estonia on 25th of August